Friday, 17 December 2010

eXmerce Christmas Video

In the spirit of eXmerce, we present Deck the halls with barter dollars! Check out the vid and happy holidays -

Wednesday, 24 November 2010

eXmerce Christmas Speed Networking Event November 30th!

Join us next Tuesday, November 30 at the eXmerce Speed Networking Event! To check out clips from out last networking function, go here! To RSVP, please contact eXmerce at 403-215-9220 or message us via facebook.

Friday, 19 November 2010

Business overhead cost

How much are you currently paying for business overhead cost? Accounting, website maintenance, graphic design, vehicle decals, coffee, water, courier services, lawyer fees? Why not trade your downtime for that instead! Call eXmerce to offset your business expenses today!

Wednesday, 17 November 2010

eXmerce Christmas Order List

Have you gotten your eXmerce Christmas order list yet? Reward your staff, clients, friends and family this year on barter! eXmerce has created a check list on Christmas gifts this year so you can make decision easier! Just simply check off the gift certificates you're interested in, send them off to eXmerce and receive them in the mail 5 business days later! Remember, this is on a first come first serve basis so send that list off today before the Christmas rush!

Monday, 15 November 2010

eXmerce BarterFlash

eXmerce newsletters which are sent out every 2 weeks are called BarterFlashes. Contact your trade broker to see how you can promote your services on the BarterFlash!

Friday, 12 November 2010

Customizing your business profile through the eXmerce community

Did you know you can customize your business profile in your eXmerce account? This way other eXmerce members can easily see a short description of your company, products/services available via trade dollars, company logo, special offers, website and more! Now, the more descriptive your profile is, the more chances your company will come out with the search function through the eXmerce website. If you have any questions, let your trade broker know!

Tuesday, 9 November 2010

Promoting your services on eXmerce

Are you wanting to create more exposure/awareness for your business to drive more trade business your way? Have you ever tried marketing your products/services through the eXmerce BarterFlash? BarterFlashes are bi-weekly e-newsletter eXmerce sends out to create awareness for the members of eXmerce. BarterFlashes consist of barter tips, eXmerce events, new members of eXmerce, promotions of eXmerce members and more! All you have to do is send a write up on your promotions and include any pictures of the promotion to your trade broker and they will place your promotion on the follow BarterFlash! If you have any questions, let your trade broker know!

Monday, 8 November 2010

Posting Invoices Online

Did you know? There's 3 ways in posting transactions through eXmerce. You can either call/email your trade broker to help you post transaction or login to your eXmerce account online, click on the "Post Transaction," link on the left hand side, select the buyer, enter the amount including the GST and a short description of the product/service provided and the invoice will be approved by eXmerce within 24 hours. In cases where you are unable to find the buyer from the drop down menu, this means the business is on a standby status. In this case, contact your trade broker and he will be able to post the transaction for you. Remember to always keep in touch with your trade broker before and after any products/services you provide for security purposes! This way your trade broker can tell you if the buyer is pre-authorized for the transaction or not!

Sunday, 7 November 2010

Andy Generated City-Wide Business

My company is customer focused, seeking to provide the utmost in customer care and business solutions for companies wireless needs. We believe in "supporting" our clients and are committed to ensuring the highest standards of satisfaction. Happy customers lead to referrals, and that is the kind of business we like!

And so has that power of an extended network of eXmerce businesses worked for our business. The cellular business is different than some as it is primarily proximity based. What my membership in eXmerce has encouraged is business from all areas of the city. And when combined with an incredible customer experience, the web expands as happy eXmerce clients share with local friends and colleagues. This scenario has lead to an expanded geographical client base, a unique occurrence in our industry. The exposure has been fantastic!

I would also like to note the degree of skill and professionalism I have encountered from other members in Exmerce as we have made use of their products and services.
From moving our office lines with RKD, orthotics from Dr. Chad Kulak, Gloria’s phenomenal massage, Chef Charlie's easy manner and excellent food to Sue Mellon's awesome design and re-branding work for us, we couldn't be happier with our experience here as a member of eXmerce!

Thursday, 4 November 2010

Join us at our upcoming Business Networking Mixer for some Holiday Cheers on Tuesday, November 30!

Adrian Vraciu, President of New Perspective Business will be guest speaking on how you can use a customer relationship management tool to keep track of sales, build and maintain customer relationships. Please remember to also bring lots of business cards and brochures as we'll be hosting the Speed Networking for the evening as well.

Tuesday, November 30, 2010
TIME: 6:00pm-8:00pm
LOCATION: Smart Executive Centre, #115, 1925 - 18Ave NE.
COST: $10 Trade Dollars for eXmerce Members and $10 Cash for Non-Members.

We hope you can join us! To RSVP, please contact Felix at (403) 451-9245 or e-mail

If you are interested in exhibiting, please let us know. This will be a great way for you to generate new business for Christmas!

Wednesday, 3 November 2010

Christmas Gifts on barter

Purchase Christmas gifts on barter today! For some reason we're having really good weather for November and even though it doesn't seem like it, Christmas is just around the corner! Instead of paying cash for your Christmas gifts, get gifts on barter today! Reward your staff for a good job done and your clients for their loyalty! Remember, gifts on barter are on a first come first serve basis so order your gift certificates today by calling (403) 451-9245!

Monday, 1 November 2010

Purchasing Christmas Gift on Barter

If you're thinking of purchasing Christmas gifts, why not purchase them on barter! Reward your staff, clients, family and friends through barter but remember to order your gift fast as products/services are on a first come first serve basis! Spend smarter, think barter for Christmas!

Wednesday, 27 October 2010

Conducting fair and confident business practices through eXmerce

However you normally conduct business in the cash world, you will also do the same business practices in the eXmerce community, meaning, whatever you invoice out there in cash, you will invoice the same in trade dollars through the eXmerce community. This way you know your products/services are equal to fair market value and we take inflation of prices very seriously. Here at eXmerce, we strive to achieve the core values of community, connectivity, diversity, and integrity.

Tuesday, 26 October 2010

Leverage Barter as part of your marketing tool to generate new revenue

By leveraging barter as part of your marketing tool, you are able to find new customer, save cash so instead of paying cash for things like accounting, website design, advertisement, etc, you can now trade an equal dollar amount of your services and a strategy to turn your downtime to profit or to reduce your surplus inventory. Call eXmerce today at (403) 215-9220 to see how you can utilize barter as part as your marketing tool!

Monday, 25 October 2010

Stay fit with for the winter with eXmerce!

Looking to stay fit but don't wanna pay cash for a gym membership or personal trainers? Why not trade your services! You can get memberships, personal trainers, yoga, and more with spending cash on eXmerce!

Wednesday, 20 October 2010

Multi Directional Trading

Through eXmerce Business Barter exchange, If you sell to company A, you do not have to purchase from company A. You can use the trade dollars you've earned to buy from company B or C or D or any company on the trade exchange. How does this work? eXmerce created a common currency called trade dollars which you accumulate after providing your services to the community of eXmerce, by accumulating trade dollars, you can now use towards any of the 325+ business on eXmerce! For more information, call eXmerce at (403) 451-9245!

Tuesday, 19 October 2010

How to utilize barter when purchasing health related services!

Did you know, if you purchase any health related services on barter like massage, dental, eye wear, etc and you're registered with a health plan provider like Blue Cross or Olympia Trust, your provider will reimburse a percentage of the product/service purchased in cash for you! Call eXmerce at (403) 215-9220 to learn more about how this works!

Wednesday, 19 May 2010

There is only 12 days left before the close of the eXmerce Business Makeover Contest. If you haven't already applied, you should consider! This is an opportunity to win $26,355.95 worth of sponsored business products and services. All it takes is for you fill out our application form and submit a video to us explaining why you think you are deserving of this prize. To enter, please go to

Wednesday, 5 May 2010

I'm sad to say good-bye to our friend Kristen who was our Trade Director in Vancouver and a former member of eXmerce in Calgary. She passed away April 14, 2010. I had the pleasure of first meeting Kristen at a Meetup Group. Kristen later joined eXmerce as a member promoting her Nu-Skin business. With her move back to Vancouver in the summer of 2009, she helped us open a branch office in Vancouver. Kristen was the perfect fit for eXmerce - full of integrity and commitment. I will always remember Kristen as being happy-go-lucky, cheerful and just someone who'd be there for you no matter what. She always exuded confidence, energy and enthusiasim. She was just a real joy to be around.

I'm asking members of eXmerce for a favor - if you had the chance to build a personal relationship with Kristen or even conduct business with her to please send me a note via e-mail ( so that I can put something together for her parents. This is the least I can do in memory of such a wonderful woman who'll be missed by many.


Thursday, 29 April 2010

I met with the owners at a new Indian restaurant in town yesterday. They were both a pleasure to meet. Some of the things they were looking to purchase on barter included general renovations, window lettering and carpet cleaning. I'll be following up with them next week and let's hope they give eXmerce a try!

Today, we were excited to meet with Derryl who'll be helping us re-vamp the eXmerce brand. We have a new direction for 2011 and have lots of exciting things planned to create value for members of the eXmerce community. Stay tuned!


Tuesday, 27 April 2010

Welcome Mathieu and John to the eXmerce community! If you are looking for accounting and bookkeeping services on barter, please give us a call at 403-215-9220.

A few weeks back, I had met with Lauren and Rebecca of ACE Canada - Both a pleasure to meet! They are seeking business volunteers for their upcoming business competition on May 12 and 13, 2010. See below for more info:

Business Volunteers Needed!

For the first time in 22 years, ACE – Advancing Canadian Entrepreneurship – is hosting their Annual National Exposition in Calgary and they are looking for volunteers from the Calgary business community to participate as judges during their 3-day Students in Free Enterprise Competition !

· What is ACE: ACE is a national, charitable organization working with university and college students from across Canada. These students combine their in-class learning with the support of faculty, business professionals and our organization to create and implement business ventures and community outreach projects that impact the lives of people nationwide.

· The goal: Student teams create economic opportunity in their local communities and change the lives of Canadians for the better!

· Every year our students showcase their accomplishments at the ACE National Exposition - a 3 day, presentation based competition.

· More than 500 Students from across the country will gather at the TELUS Convention Centre from May 10th-12th to compete for the title of Most Enterprising Campus through three rounds of competition.

· ACE is looking for members of the Calgary business community to volunteer their time as a judge for the event. It is FREE to attend all you need to do is register….

For more information about how to get involved contact: or call 416-304-1566 ex 233

And check out


Monday, 26 April 2010

About a month ago or so, I received a call from Adam Jacob, President of who runs a business barter exchange in Louisville, Kentucky. I really liked his enthusiasm and his passion for barter and his company. We briefly chatted about the challenges and opportunities we saw in the barter industry, and we both felt that technology (i.e. social media) will certainly be a driving force in shaping the barter industry.

I'd like to personally thank Adam for the recent press release that went out. You can check it out here:


Thursday, 22 April 2010

It's been awhile since I last blogged so I'll try my best moving forward to keep you guys posted with what's going on at eXmerce.

The big thing that's happening right now is we're promoting the eXmerce Business Makeover Contest. This is an opportunity for a deserving business to win nearly $27k in sponsored business products and services. If you have been in business for less than 3 years and generate no more than $500,000 in gross revenues, this is a contest you should consider entering! For more contest details, please go to

Later today, I will be meeting with a yoga instruction company as we've experienced quite a bit of demand from members requesting yoga services. Let's hope they sign up! I also got confirmation today that we now have a new accounting company on board.
